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CBRI Commissioned by Nottingham City Council to Develop Twinning Relation with Ningbo Municipal Government

Nottingham City Council and Ningbo Municipal Government officially become twinned cities in September 2005 with a history dating back to September 2000. With dedicated efforts from civic teams at both cities, the relation has developed based on higher education and engaged a variety of bilateral stakeholders and initiated / enhanced cross-border exchanges across a diversity of sectors. The relation has been considered as one of the most significant and representative regional twinning relations between UK and China, recognised by both regional and central governments of both countries.

CBRI is commissioned between 2015 and 2018 as the Council’s Consultant on China Affairs. CBRI’s main responsibilities include:

  1. Advising the Council regarding regional affairs with Ningbo and wider affairs with China
  2. Drafting long term strategic and short term action plans for the Council
  3. Arranging and delivering bilateral senior official visits
  4. Shadowing Leader and CEO of the Council at Ningbo and China related activities, drafting speaking notes and providing live advice on all aspects and levels
  5. Liaising on behalf of the Council as point of contact with Ningbo Municipal Government and relevant government bureaus to develop the twinning relation
  6. Supporting bilateral stakeholders on behalf of the Council to identify and initiate opportunities for business matching and collaboration based on the twinning relation
  7. Facilitating and troubleshooting at all levels

Reference: About Ningbo

November 2015 Cllr. Jon Collins Leader of Nottingham City Council visiting Ningbo at the 10th Anniversary of Ningbo-Nottingham Twining Partnership, hosted by Mr Wang Jianhou Vice Mayor of Ningbo Municipal Government

Unveiling Robin Hood Statue in Ningbo

Unveiling Nottingham Investment Office in Ningbo

Hosting business briefing event between Ningbo and Nottingham