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CBRI Commissioned by Leicestershire County Council to Initiate Commercial Opportunities for East Midlands Chamber and Members

Based in Leicestershire, East Midlands Chamber (EMC) is the second largest regional chamber of commerce in UK, supporting 4200+ member businesses and 3000+ affiliates mainly based in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

CBRI, commissioned by Leicestershire County Council as the Council’s Consultant on China Affairs since 2016, takes the initiative to explore and initiate commercial opportunities for EMC. CBRI’s main responsibilities include:

  1. Advising EMC regarding best practice to plan and work with equivalent public and private chamber of commerce in Sichuan and China
  2. Liaising on behalf of the Council and EMC as point of contact to identify potentials and explore opportunities in China
  3. Arranging senior managerial meetings between EMC and potential partners in China
  4. Facilitating and troubleshooting at all levels

October 2019 Ms Laura Howard Head of International Trade of EMC visiting CCPIT Sichuan Council (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)

May 2020 CBRI supporting EMC and CCPIT Sichuan Council to sign MoU on collaborations